Our Certifications



ESOMAR is an international non-profit association that has been connecting data analytics and research professionals in over 130 countries since 1947. Based in Amsterdam, it promotes an international ethical code to guide best practices in the sector, driving the positive impact of data and knowledge within organizations and society.



The Service Standard for Market and Opinion Research in Mexico (ESIMM®) is a tool developed by AMAI to ensure high-quality standards in market research. Since its first version in 1999, ESIMM has established clear guidelines for data collection, analysis, and presentation, ensuring that the information obtained is accurate, reliable, and useful for strategic decision-making.



The Mexican Association of Market Intelligence and Opinion Agencies (AMAI) leads the industry in data generation and transformation in Mexico. In response to challenges such as varying data quality, rapid technological advancements, and the rise of non-rigorous internal research, AMAI works to ensure reliable and methodologically sound information. With a vision towards 2030, it establishes values and pillars that guide its members in their commitment to quality and professional ethics.